What is Therapy?

Therapy is meant for those who are interested in a deeper understanding of themselves and are in search of a stronger and more focused self. It is a safe and nonjudgmental space that promotes understanding and change. Therapy helps us change our lives. Your time spent with your therapist can help you to shed misconceptions about yourself and the world and help you to function better both in the world and more specifically in relationships. Therapy can help us find relief from emotional pain and achieve a sense of wellness and balance. It can help you to deal with the stress of living in a very chaotic and complicated world at a time when burnout and anxiety are at an all time high. In general, therapy can help us be better partners, parents, lovers, and people. It can help us find the peace and happiness we deserve.

What is Nature Based Therapy?

Nature based therapy is meant for everyone. It is simply traditional therapy which places a subtle emphasis on being in nature as it is conducted as part of the healing process. It also serves to promote more time spent in nature outside of therapy, as part of engineering a healthier more balanced lifestyle.

Therapist's Education & Specialized Training

Julie is a master’s level social worker who is registered with both the college and association of social workers. She is a graduate of Carleton University’s Masters of Social Work honours degree program and is now 20 + years serving others. She was born and raised in Renfrew County and is providing therapy and counselling services in her own private practice located within Pembroke, Ontario. Julie has worked several years providing therapy to adults, youth, families and groups, treating them for a wide variety of presenting problems. She has developed strengths in treating adults who are facing trauma. Julie uses change driven models such as cognitive behavioural therapy, EMDR, solution focused and dynamically oriented approaches in therapy, polyvagal theory. Most recently Julie’s practice has shifted to emphasize nature based therapy and wellness with women and fellow helping professionals. Julie’s compassionate approach ensures that the person remains the centre of the treatment.

Services We Offer

Therapy should not be a 'one size fits all' approach. We offer a variety of flexible services to best suit your individual needs and schedule.

Walk and Talk

Beginning in March 2020, Julie started to offer an alternative to in-office, in-person sessions. This evolved out of the need to adapt during the COVID crisis; however, also out of a desire to get us outdoors and into nature. Walk and talk therapy has been described as an intervention that combines counselling, walking, and the outdoors. Sitting face to face with your therapist in a room, is not for everyone and even sometimes even leads to people avoiding therapy. The act of walking and moving forward can act as a powerful catalyst to personal change. Clients who feel “stuck” in a situation can benefit from physically moving forward. Walk and talk therapy can speed up the process of therapy and allow the therapist and client to uncover and resolve issues more quickly and efficiently. Walk and talk sessions are offered according to your own physical comfort level and pace. The emphasis is on using trails that are available throughout the County which are nature based.

Nature Based Individual Therapy

(1 - 2 hour sessions)

Nature based therapy is very similar to traditional face-to-face counselling however emphasis is placed on conducting the session in the outdoors. The location of Wild Grounded lies on the shores of the Ottawa River with a panoramic view. We are now well aware through various conclusive research studies that healing happens when we spend time in nature. You can choose to sit comfortably on the river view patio, or rooted on the gorgeous rock front, basking in natural light and soaking up the warmth of the Canadian Shield. In winter, clients can sit by an outdoor fire with a cup of tea and enjoy the beauty that our Canadian winters offer. If weather is not cooperating on the day of your scheduled session the indoor therapy room is graced with a wall of windows that looks onto the same beautiful river and an indoor wood stove feels wonderful too. If this is not possible for whatever reason, sessions can also be offered by phone or virtually.

Burnout Support for Helping Professionals

If you are a helping professional who is feeling burnout….join the masses! We have never been in such great need of healing for the healers. Wild grounded strives to support recovery by providing a safe space for reflection and discussion. Leave feeling like you have a good sense of what brought you to this place and know that you can have a sense of control over making change.

Half or Full-Day Individual Private Sessions

Does the flow of your daily life not allow for multiple therapy sessions booked on separate days and times? Why not enjoy a full or half day of intense focus on the areas of your life that need attention and care. A brief telephone intake and needs assessment with Julie can help you sort through how you would like your day structured or unstructured. One-on-one guidance and support without the sense of being rushed through an hour, working toward being grounded and achieving more contentment in your life.

Career Confusion/Career Change Process

The recent pandemic has promoted a great deal of movement and change within society. Now more than ever is a time of re-centering on your life’s priorities, goals and passions. Julie has long been a promoter of following your heart and passion when it comes to your career. She feels that she has been blessed to have found a calling for herself and believes that others who seek this can also achieve it.

Wellness Workshops

Wild Grounded offers one day workshops that center on teaching burnout prevention strategies. Learn ways to down regulate your nervous system while connecting with others in a beautiful nature based setting.

Watch for the next dates….

Consultation for Fellow Healers/Therapists

Julie has now entered 20 + years of practice and feels that she can offer support, guidance and wisdom to her fellow healers. While she believes strongly that healers have innate intuitive wisdom to direct their own inner healing and helping skills, she values the knowledge that having another human being to process with can really help us to tap into that insight.

Please also check out Wild Grounded Retreats at www.wildgroundedretreats.ca